Monday, 3 November 2014

Eating Healthy With Visitors

This has been a CRAZY weekend for me! We had visitors from home and wanted to show them around the beautiful Kelowna so they too could have a great experience visiting. For those of you who know Kelowna, they have ALOT of amazing wineries along with independently owned unique restaurants.

It's a little hard when taking people around in wine country to eat healthy each day! There are always restaurants, drinks, and snacks to be had... but you can still make good choices to help eliminate all those extra calories and sugars you are ingesting.

Eating Healthy With Visitors

It's in our nature to want to show our guests a good time and entertain them but sometimes we use this as a crutch to fall off the band wagon of healthy eating and living. 

You may not want to stick to a very restricted diet especially if your guest(s) do not follow one. 

This weekend I went to the grocery store and got enough fruits/ veggies to juice for everyone. Juicing quenches your thirst, and if made with the right combo provides a health alternative to snacking and in come places breakfast or lunch. Here are a few of the other things I did to help keep my nutrition on track:

  1. Freshly juiced juice 
  2. Protein Pancakes for breakfast, with a little fruit to top it off most people would never know ;)
  3. Shakeology is a good fast meal on the way out the door 
  4. Coffee with guava instead of sugar or even add a little bit of honey 
  5. Pre-portion snacks in bowls so you don't over eat  by picking all day.Veggie trays, fruit trays work well alone with nuts, dried fruits, home made beef jerky. 
  6. Have salads with vinaigrettes instead of cream dressings
  7. Eliminate the breads & carbs in your house 
  8. Bring water when you are out and about, this can help curb your appetite until the next meal instead of an ice-cream, chocolate bar or eating something you normally wouldn't if you didn't have guests 
When you go out for dinner skip the appetizers. When we sit and munch on these tasty starters we consumer more calories and more beverages over the course of a now extended dinner. 

If you get the sweet tooth after your meal opt out for a flavoured tea, or if you really must have that treat make sure you get extra spoons and share it with the group..  I know this can be tough to do. 

You aren't going to be able to avoid everything for the time your guests are here but remember there are many ways you can eliminate the intake of carbs, calories, and sugars.

It has taken you awhile to lose that weight, sculpt the body of your dream, and get on track with your nutrition so take care of it... you Deserve it! 


  1. You are so right Lindy, it can be tough to keep eating healthy with visitors! You made it a little easier with your how to eat healthier tips :)

    1. It is definitely something that you have to think about if you are wanting to stay some what on your healthy meal plan. I am glad you found some tips useful!

      Thanks for the comment :)
