Sunday, 4 January 2015

Chasing that HIGH...

I heard something this morning that really stood out to me and I felt like I should share

...first off who wants to get high with me?!?! Okay it's not what you're thinking but I did get your attention right?!?! Keep reading and I will explain 

My post the other day was about having a hard time getting motivated to workout. More times than not I have to mentally over come the objections in my head.. I have to bargain with myself to get up and work out.. I just like you have Every excuse under the sun to not to do!

.... but when you finally over power all those excuses and get your work out done you are on cloud 9, that post workout High that we all love. The energy surge you get, the way you feel about your body and most importantly how amazing you feel knowing you conquered those pesky thoughts telling you to do a million other things.

WELL try this next time... this morning I heard someone say "Everytime you start your work out never think about it but instead hold on to the feeling of that post workout High and how amazing you feel. That will pull you through your work out and push you harder than you have pushed before."

I did that today and it worked!! It's snowy outside, cold and dreary... I wanted to curl up on the couch and read all morning but I WAS EXCITED TO CHASE MY HIGH

...SO who's getting high with me today?!??! Any takers????

On a side note... from consistently staying true to my workouts no matter what I have abs I never knew existed... it didn't happen over night but with constant Piyoing with my challenge groups!!! Thank you to my challengers for keeping me on the ball 

My post the other day was about having a hard time getting motivated to workout. More times than not I have to mentally over come the objections in my head.. I have to bargain with myself to get up and work out.. I just like you have Every excuse under the sun to not to do!

.... but when you finally over power all those excuses and get your work out done you are on cloud 9, that post workout High that we all love. The energy surge you get, the way you feel about your body and most importantly how amazing you feel knowing you conquered those pesky thoughts telling you to do a million other things.

WELL try this next time... this morning I heard someone say "Everytime you start your work out never think about it but instead hold on to the feeling of that post workout High and how amazing you feel. That will pull you through your work out and push you harder than you have pushed before."
I did that today and it worked!! It's snowy outside, cold and dreary... I wanted to curl up on the couch and read all morning but I WAS EXCITED TO CHASE MY HIGH

...SO who's getting high with me today?!??! Any takers????
On a side note... from consistently staying true to my workouts no matter what I have abs I never knew existed... it didn't happen over night but with constant Piyoing with my challenge groups!!! Thank you to my challengers for keeping me on the ball 

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