Friday, 2 January 2015

What Exactly Is NetWork Marketing? and How To Choose The Best Company For You!

What Exactly is Network Marketing?

  • It's a SCAM 
  • I know someone who did that and it didn't work
Many people have a negative stigma about Network Marketing for various different reasons. When someone says something negative to me about it I always questions them further to find out why they are thinking those thoughts... 9 times out of 10 they don't even know why!! Now isn't that funny :P 

1 in every 3 household now in days has someone who is part of a network marketing company. I bet alot of your friends are in network marketing companies and you wouldn't even know it. 

List of a few popular Network Marketing companies: 
  1. Mary Kay 
  2. Scentsy 
  3. BeachBody 
  4. Amway 
  5. Isagenix
  6. Body by Vi 
  7. Empower Network 
  8. DSD 
  9. Arbonne 
  10. ACN 
  11. Juice Plus 
  12. NuSkin 
  13. It works body wraps 
... and the list goes on and on

What is Network Marketing? 

This is the part that people get confused with. Network Marketing is simply selling someone else's products and receiving a commission from them. Network Marketing is commission based, which is great, you can literally make as much as you want to or as little as you want to... the choice is completely yours. The second part to Network Marketing, you by no means have to participate in this part of it,  is to build up a team. You would find like minded people who also like the products that you are offering and teach them how to share and sell them as well! 

I have been in the network marketing industry since 2010 and it has been my full time income and career since August 2013! I absolutely love everything about this industry. If you treat this industry like a business and your full time income then you will be rewarded like it, and if you choose to only work part time you will be compensated for part time work. The beauty of it is that the choice is yours! 

What if I can't sell? 

No problem! The trick is you have to get involved with a company that you love their products and you use them yourself. When you do this you are simply sharing the products, what they have done for you and how they could help the other person it makes it a lot easier and natural. When you have a passion for the products you are never selling, simply sharing the product. 

I frequently get asked How Do You Find a Good Company. 

This is only my advice after being in the industry for 5 years, so take it seriously or with a grain of salt. There are literally 1000's of companies that you could choose to align yourself with. Some are good, some are not so good so make sure you thoroughly do your research before attaching your name to a company and/or product. 
  1. How long has the company been around? I personally would never consider working with a company who hasn't been in business more than 2 years. The 2 year mark is when alot of companies fold and you do not want to have to start over with another business and/or potentially loosing your commissions - I have heard of this happening
  2. Does the company have hold good standings with the FTC? This is VERY important to me, I want to make sure any company I am working with is passed by both the Canadian and the United States government so that it is 100% legit and no funny business going on. 
  3. Does the company have consumable products? If not then I would not even look twice. When building a company you want to find something that will provide you with residual incomes from consumable products. What I mean is that you can count on that specific commission coming in each month until the customer decides to cancel their order 
  4. Are you passionate and personally using the products? If the answer is no, then look for another company! If you aren't passionate about the products you will build your business very slowly or not at all, I have seen it time and time again. Search for a company that aligns with your passions and then follow the rest of these steps. 
  5. Do the company have a 24/7 support system where you can get in touch with someone? I have made this mistake a few times. Sometimes it is 12:01 in the am and you need to talk to someone to close a sale, and if there isn't someone there to answer your questions it may be gone. Even if they don't have 24/7 support look for a company that is close to that and has live representatives you can talk to. 
Why Do A Lot of People Fail at Network Marketing?

I personally wouldn't use the word fail. An issue with this industry is that alot of people have the lottery mentality, I am going to WIN BIG Instantly... and that is FAR from the truth. 

Network Marketing is like anything else out there, you have to start at the bottom, learn the ropes and advance up the ranks. Most people don't put in the time, or the effort to learn the skill set of Network marketing and they simply quite and then run to all their friends/ family and say "It Doesn't Work!" but the truth is, it does if you stick with it and learn the easy skill set. 

Network marketing can be a lot of fun! And did you know that if you actually decide to take it seriously and learn the ins and outs of network marketing that it is the highest paying industry out there. Pretty cool eh? If Network Marking was a University course it would be an easy easy course to complete but most people are unwilling to learn and educate themselves on what to do. 

There is no failure, there is learning, moving forward and sticking to it.

Let me put it into perspective for you. Remember the first day on your new job? I bet you had to learn a few things, do them a few different times until you could do it by memory, and then you had to learn more things as your career went on... well that is exactly the same as Network Marketing. You wouldn't quite your job the second you had to learn something new would you? 

I hope my little break down on Network Marketing as helped you understand it a little bit better:)  This truly is an amazing skill set that I strongly believe should be incorporated into everyones household... dig your well before you are thirsty ;) 

There are many AMAZING companies out there, do your research, and find out that you are passionate about. 

If you want to chat or need help in a direction to head please reach out to me, I am always here to help you <3 

In Health, Wealth, Happiness 


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