Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! 

These last few months have been very challenging on me emotionally, mentally, and physically! 

I found myself in this slump which I am sure a few of you can also relate to. I found myself getting emotionally drained and this caused me not be regular with my workouts and because I wasn't being regular with my health and fitness I was eating bad.... this can be a vicious circle to get out of it. 

Break ups are never easy and that is what caused my emotional and mental blockage the last few months. It was something that needed to be done but neither of us in the relationship wanted to do it... until today.. we had to start fresh 

The saying I am living by right now is NEW YEAR NEW YOU and I know that sounds so cliche but to me it is very fitting. 

There is something that feels so right about starting the New Years with a fresh mind, body and soul... leaving the aches, pains, and fuzzy minds behind and welcoming in pure clarity! 

It was almost instantaneous that I wanted to work out and cook up some chicken, rice and salad for dinner... YAY the healthy me is back on track and that feels SO DARN GOOD :D :D 

As a virtual fitness leader it is hard for me to acknowledge that I stepped away for a bit, but I had to do it.. and now I am ready to push forward... hard.. and bring anyone with me along the way

This month I have some INCREDIBLE challenge groups starting which are all virtual... so awesome! 

...So if you are like me and ready to draw the line in the sand and go full steam forward then LET'S DO THIS!!! We DESERVE to Look, Feel, and Live the best that we possibly can and the only way to get there is to put in the time and eating healthy! 

.. To find out about my up and coming challenge groups, please add me to facebook and send me a message :D 


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