About Me

My name is Lindy and I am a 27 year old female. I began my fitness journey back in 2007 but never took it seriously. I would be in great shape and then fall off the bandwagon and I would love all the hard work, tightening and toning that I did. I was looking for a way to get fit without going to the gym.  At this point in my life I just didn't have time for the commute to the gym, getting changed, working out and then showering and leaving but working out from home was a great option for me.

A friend on facebook messaged me and reintroduced me to beachbody in the beginning of this year.  I  had heard about the programs and other people having a lot of success with them but wasn't sure if I'd be able to stay motivated to finish the challenge. After talking with her I signed up for my free account, posted my before pictures, took my measurements and decided to purchase Slim in 6 by Debbie Siebers. The reason I chose this over all the other programs was because a few months prior I had surgery and my doctor said I was not allowed to do any high impact workouts for at least 6 months and at the time this was the only lower impact workout BeachBody had, now there are other choices :)

Within 2 weeks I was seeing visible results from the work outs and drinking a glass of Shakeology every morning. Looking at my before pictures made me sick, I had never been this heavy in my life and I sure know I needed to make a change to be happy with myself and my body, these pictures became my inspiration to keep pushing play with my work outs!

After 30 day of Slim in 6 I was losing weight, I had my energy back, and I didn't have to take a nap ever afternoon. I used to be a coffee addict and at times consuming a pot per day to keep me going, but now I have a cup in the morning because I enjoy sipping on my coffee while reading on my deck.

After 30 days I changed from Slim in 6 to PiYo, I wanted a workout that was a little more challenge yet low intensity. So my weight loss transformation was from a combination of two programs:)

Now I just don't know what I would do without my shake everyday for breakfast and my 30 minutes of home exercising! It is amazing how quickly health & fitness can become the biggest part of your life when you are ready to make that change.

Now I get up every day between 7:00 am and 8:00 to do my PiYo workout, prep my 6 meals per day (one of them being Shakeology) I feel the best that I ever have felt in my life. Since finishing PiYo I have surpassed my goal weight. I am down to 125lbs and fit into some of my favourite articles of clothes when I haven't been able to in years. I have also become a Beachbody coach because I love the products and have had such an amazing journey and experience with them that I want to share with others to help them achieve their health & fitness goals! I am in the works of starting a Fit Club in Kelowna to inspire others to get healthy and lose weight.

I have learned so much on my journey thus far that I want to share it with others!! So far on my journey I have been able to help hundreds of people change their lives and get healthy! I have truly found my passion! I love exercising and eating clean! My boyfriend eats very clean and has never felt better in his life!! Make sure to check back on my journey regularly and reach out to me on Facebook.

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