Tuesday 25 November 2014

Fitness Challenge Group is a HUGE SUCCESS!!

OOPS we Did it Again!!!! 

Thats right yesterday kicked off Another Successful weight loss challenge group !!

We have 20 amazing challengers and a few coaches all with the same goal in mind, to lose weight and support each other while doing it! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!

We are in Pre-start date which means this week is filled with tips and tricks, measurements, support and a heck of a lot of fun before the kick off of the Fitness aspect on December 1st ... YIPPIE!

Congrats to everyone who has chosen to allow me to help them lose weight, I am truly honoured! This challenge group is going to be a blast and I am pumped to be apart of Your journey 

~Together we are Better~ - Let's do this, and hit those goals!!!!

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